Circular EconomyNewsSustainable buildingsSustainable Urbanization 14 May, 2019 BLOXHUB WHITE PAPER: HER ER NI ANBEFALINGER TIL, HVORDAN DU BRUGER BLOCKCHAIN I BYGGERIET Byggeriet er en stor branche i vækst. Men også en branche med en række udfordringer;… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 6 May, 2019 TEKNOLOGI KAN BRUGES TIL AT SKABE BEDRE BYER Først publiceret i Dagens Byggeri, d. 6. maj 2019. BLOXHUB inivterer til debatarrangement, hvor… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 13 March, 2019 BLOXHUB IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE FUTURE WORKPLACE This article was first published by Brickfields Trend #56 International networks, Co-working spaces and urban… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
NewsScience ForumSmart City ResearchSmart City Research - papers 14 December, 2017 Nine industrial researchers become part of BLOXHUBs Science Forum Danish urban solutions have great global potential if we manage to collaborate across professional boundaries.… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0