How indoor lighting is affecting your health: a look beyond aesthetics and energy efficiency.
Just as air, food, and water – light is a natural and vital source to our health. To most people, the absorption of light is an unconscious choice in life. It’s everywhere, always. But often not in a healthy way.
Today, we spend more than 90% of our time indoors. But most indoor lighting is unhealthy and not tailored to the occupants of the space. What are the main challenges to improve this? And how does the future of lighting look?
Join us for a vibrant panel discussion where various industry members will share different perspectives on the topic.
The scene will be set by:
Prof. Marilyne Andersen, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Anne Gade Iversen, Indoor Climate Expert and Project Lead, Realdania
Christina Friis Blach Petersen (LYS Technologies)
Peter Fangel Poulsen (Bauherr)
Ellen Kathrine Hansen (Aalborg University, Copenhagen)
Merete Madsen (MOE)
Moderated by:
Lone Feifer, VELUX
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