16 July, 2020 Affordable Housing and the Inclusive City Welcome to IFHP Summit and Master Class Part 1: Summit | 11:00 am – 1:30… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 14 July, 2020 Simulating Public Life in Shared Spaces Postdoc project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsMohammed Almahmood, Industrial PostDocSchulze+Grassov, University of Copenhagen, Department… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 14 July, 2020 Mapping micro-contexts: informing architectural urban design and development PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsKrister Jens, Industrial PhDHenning Larsen, Technical University of… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 14 July, 2020 People Behavior PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsAndrew Khoudi, Industrial PhDSøren Jensen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma A/S,… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 14 July, 2020 Increased occupant satisfaction and comfort using IoT-based data acquisition for high-performing building operation and design PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsDonya Sheikh Khan, Industrial PhDNCC Danmark, Technical University… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City ResearchSmart City Research - papers 14 July, 2020 Smart Buildings & Cities Business Model Innovation Postdoc project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsJanuary 2018 – April 2021Lara Anne Blasberg (formerly… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 14 July, 2020 Configuration, collaboration and complexity in strategic partnerships: An institutional inquiry conducted from the inside of a strategic partnership in Danish construction PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsNicolaj Frederiksen, Industrial PhDEnemærke & Petersen, Aalborg Universitet,… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 14 July, 2020 Urban Spaces and Counterterrorism PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsStine Ilum, Industrial PhDSLA, University of Copenhagen, Department… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 13 July, 2020 OCCUPANT- RESPONSIVE INTEGRATED VENTILATION & HEATING SOLUTIONS WITH EXCELLENT COMFORT FOR NEW AND RENOVATED DWELLINGS PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsLucile Sarran, Industrial PhDSaint-Gobain Nordic, Technical University of… Ann-Britt Love0
13 July, 2020 Den levende SDG by – fra værdigrundlag til operationelt innovationsrum Deep Dive Workshop: Som mange andre steder er SDG’erne i dag blevet værdiggrundlaget for en… Ann-Britt Love0