Circular Built EnvironmentCircular Built Environment ResearcherCircular EconomyNews 10 November, 2024 DESIRE: Transforming Urban Spaces Within Two Years What Is Possible to Achieve Within Two Years? Many professionals within the built… Christoffer Reeves Love0
BLOXHUB InfoCircular Built EnvironmentIkke-kategoriseretNewsSustainable Urbanization 14 May, 2023 CITIES are SYSTEMS, NATURE & COMMUNITIES – The Core of BLOXHUB’s New Strategy As we set sail toward the future, we have established a new set of guidelines… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built EnvironmentImpact storiesNewsSustainable buildingsUrban Partnerships 19 April, 2023 Retrofit Only or Retrofit First? New Dilemmas for the Building Industry As Retrofitting is leading the way for the building industry, governments and businesses worldwide are… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built EnvironmentCircular Built Environment NetworkCircular EconomyNewsScience Forum 27 January, 2022 Regenerate: What the New Paradigm Means for Urban Development The regenerative paradigm has made its way into everything from economics, agriculture, leadership, and urban… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built Environment 16 November, 2021 Urban nature and biodiversity Article* by Lotte Nystrup Lund Futurista® and Industrial PhD (part of BLOXHUB Circular Built Environment… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built EnvironmentCircular EconomyNewsScience Forum 13 April, 2021 BLOXHUB bliver samarbejdsplatform for to konsortier, der skal accelerere cirkulært byggeri Det skal være nemt og sikkert for byggebranchen at vælge genbrugsmaterialer. Kvaliteten af de genbrugte… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built Environment 12 April, 2021 2 danske teams af forskere og virksomheder er udvalgt til at accelerere cirkulært byggeri Det skal være nemt og sikkert for byggebranchen at vælge genbrugsmaterialer. Kvaliteten af de genbrugte… Ann-Britt Love0