There are bold ambitions underway in Europe to address climate change in the built environment. The focus is on reducing the impacts of materials, shifting to renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and strengthening resilience.
The implications of the Ukraine-Russia conflict have highlighted the importance of these efforts in the region. All of these processes can be done in a way that continues to deepen inequality and undermines human rights, or in a way that pursues a pathway that advances a “just transition” by expanding social opportunities.
This session will deepen understanding of the what & how of social risks and opportunities in the built environment with the internationally-recognized Human Rights Framework as a starting point.
08.30 Arrivals and coffee
9.00 Setting the Scene: Introducing session topics
10.00 Let’s get concrete: What does this mean in practice, and what examples
showcase dignity in the built environment?
10.30 Break & Networking
10.50 Nordic innovations in social inclusion in the built environment
11.20 ”Just transition” in the built environment
11.50 Group Work
12.10 Closing & Networking