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The BLOXHUB programs are tailored to support the businesses of our community members. Every program has a strong focus on partnerships – because the urban challenges that we are facing are too complex for any company to have all the answers alone.

Urban Partnerships

From idea to business. The Urban Partnerships Program offers local and global matchmaking with partners and projects through innovation workshops and counselling that help unleash the potential of your business.

Get to know the program

Global Networks

Not a part of the BLOXHUB ecosystem yet?  Together with our members and partners throughout the world, our mission is to create a better urban future. Something that we can only achieve through partnerships. Therefore, we invite all international partners to join us.

See how you can join the ecosystem

Science Forum

Knowledge, science, and data are crucial when it comes to making the best possible solutions for our cities. Therefore, we bridge science and practice through the Science Forum.

Explore Science Forum
Bloxhub Smart City Research Network Science Forum

New European Bauhaus

Our global mutual challenge is quite clear: we are overshooting. We use and consume much more than we give back to the planet. A broad circle of stakeholders across architecture, academia, art, and various professions have joined forces to develop a joint bid for the New European Bauhaus to accelerate the necessary change.

Read more here


We believe that the global challenges of urbanization and climate change require new ways of thinking. Therefore, we have partnered up with the AEC Hackathon Organization to create AEC Hackathon @ BLOXHUB. Here, engineers, architects, developers, cool nerds, tech experts, design thinkers, anthropologists, and great minds are rethinking traditional patterns and hacking their way into a better urban future.

Learn more here