Looking for new partners to get input and solve a challenge? Or fellow passionadas from different fields of knowledge? Through Urban Partnerships, we connect people, share knowledge and scale businesses.
What we offer
From idea to business. The Urban Partnerships Packages offer global & local matchmaking with partners and projects. Through workshops and counselling, we help unleash the potential of your business.
Global Partner Match is a 2-3 hour interactive business meeting that introduces international partners to relevant members from BLOXHUB’s ecosystem and to our way of solving urban challenges.
The meeting is tailored around your specific urban agenda and will, with our cross-disciplinary approach, explore your challenge.
The Global Partner Match is available as part of a delegation visit or as a virtual meeting.
Roundtable is a 2-hour virtual meeting centered around a specific topic within the area of urban sustainability. The topic is introduced by one of the experts from the BLOXHUB ecosystem and the meeting is facilitated by Urban Partnerships.
A fast-track discussion of challenges, opportunities and ideas for how businesses can innovate and gain new markets.
Roundtables are for BLOXHUB members only.
Business Match is a tailored 1-3 day workshop with a focus on innovation, either as a physical workshop or virtual consisting of shorter online modules.
Through our multidisciplinary approach, we mobilize the BLOXHUB ecosystem to address and elevate your business challenge.
The Business Match workshop is based on your specific challenge framed to create value for all participants. The expected value is increased innovation capacity, new business ideas and new partnerships.
Business Match is for BLOXHUB members only.
The Urban Partnerships workshops lead to new partnerships, new opportunities and concrete results. Here’s a selection of small stories about concrete outcomes.
Match Funding
Match Funding is a database of funds and support schemes for development projects within the fields of construction, architecture, design, digitization and urban development. An overview of private and public funding programs, inspirational cases and tools on how to get started with your funding application.
Contact us
Would you like to hear more about Urban Partnerships? I’m ready to help.
Lotte Christina Breengaard, Program Director
E-mail: lcb@bloxhub.org
Tlf. +45 22 68 46 43
Contact us
Would you like to hear more about Global Partner Match? I’m ready to help.
Martine Reinhold Kildeby, Head of Strategic Partnerships
E-mail: mki@bloxhub.org
Tlf. +45 2268 4648