News 12 January, 2021 Nyt dansk mentorprogram søger talentfulde tech-startups Det internationale program Urbantech, der hjælper de bedste tech-startups i verden med at skalere og… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
DigitalizationNewsTech Match News 22 December, 2020 Danish SMEs match European tech startups to digitally transform the construction industry Innovative solutions are the key to face challenges, and that is exactly the problem-oriented approach of… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
NewsScience ForumSustainable buildings 17 December, 2020 Håndens og åndens arbejde skal sidestilles i byggeriet Tværfagligt samarbejde mellem byggeriets faggrupper kræver vidensudveksling og ligeværdighed. Et netop afsluttet kursus om transformation… Ann-Britt Love0
LivabilityNewsScience Forum 16 December, 2020 There is more to light than meets the eye By Pernille Berg, Science Manager, BLOXHUB One condition of living in the Nordic hemisphere… Ann-Britt Love0
NewsScience ForumSmart City ResearchSmart City Research - papersSustainable Urbanization 8 December, 2020 Improving Indoor Climate with AirBird AirBird is an intelligent indoor climate sensor that helps create healthy buildings by nudging behavioral… Ann-Britt Love0
NewsUrban Partnerships 24 November, 2020 Hvordan kan Københavns udfordring med cykelparkering løses? Hvordan kan cykelparkeringskapaciteten i København forbedres på en måde, der er tilpasset det enkelte byrum… Ann-Britt Love0
NewsUrban Partnerships 23 November, 2020 Debat: Vi har brug for en nordisk vinterby, der giver os lyst til at være ude hele året Vi skal gentænke byrummet, så det også om vinteren bliver et aktiv for os. Derfor… Ann-Britt Love0
News 17 November, 2020 Healthy buildings, high performance, happy hearts and minds Our indoor climate has a significant impact on our health and cognitive functions. Study after… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 16 November, 2020 BLOXHUB Roundtables – a global opportunity In November 2020, BLOXHUB hosted two roundtables that focused on the German and Nordic markets… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 7 October, 2020 New collaboration will strengthen circular economy in the built environment A new partnership agreement between Danish Cleantech Hub New York (DCH) and BLOXHUB has been… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0