17 May, 2021 The rise of the “15-Minute City” – How urban societies are becoming more healthy, resilient and accessible in their recovery from COVID-19 The lockdowns of the world’s cities prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed our collective… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
29 April, 2021 Water Safe Cities: How cities are safeguarding their populations in the climate crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed how vulnerable cities are to extreme events and has brought… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Circular EconomyNewsSustainable buildingsSustainable Urbanization 27 April, 2021 NYT GREEN PAPER: TAKE BACK-ORDNINGER ER HJERTET I CIRKULÆR ØKONOMI Byggematerialernes livscyklusværdi går i høj grad tabt i byggebranchen i dag. Hvert år går €2,1… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
27 April, 2021 Webinar: Hvordan bruger byggebranchen bedst forskningen i omstillingen til cirkulær økonomi? DTU, BUILD, Teknologisk Institut, Responsible Assets og BLOXHUB inviterer til dialogbaseret webinar, hvor vi stiller… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
BLOXHUB InfoNews 26 April, 2021 Welcome to new board member Warm welcome to BLOXHUB's new board member Indy Johar - Co-founder and Executive Director of… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built EnvironmentCircular EconomyNewsScience Forum 13 April, 2021 BLOXHUB bliver samarbejdsplatform for to konsortier, der skal accelerere cirkulært byggeri Det skal være nemt og sikkert for byggebranchen at vælge genbrugsmaterialer. Kvaliteten af de genbrugte… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Circular Built Environment 12 April, 2021 2 danske teams af forskere og virksomheder er udvalgt til at accelerere cirkulært byggeri Det skal være nemt og sikkert for byggebranchen at vælge genbrugsmaterialer. Kvaliteten af de genbrugte… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
29 March, 2021 BLOXHUB Debates: City of Possibilities – How can we ensure adaptive re-use of urban space to fit the current needs of cities? During Covid-19 we have gotten used to images of deserted cities under lockdown and news… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
22 March, 2021 BLOXHUB Global Day #3 – Germany Calls Germany has truly set sails for the journey towards a green transition – and developing… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Global NetworksInternational DelegationsNewsUrban mobility 19 March, 2021 The City of Munich co-creates with BLOXHUB to get inspiration for sustainable mobility strategy How can a car-centric city implement a sustainable mobility strategy, ensure that it benefits all… Ann-Britt Love0