Commmunity PartnershipsImpact stories 25 September, 2020 New international smart city alliance Visible City (UK) & Smart City Insights (DK)2020 -These two companies from London and Copenhagen… Ann-Britt Love0
NewsUrban Partnerships 25 September, 2020 BLOXHUB er gået sammen med PLH Arkitekter for at se nærmere på fremtidens hjemmearbejdsplads Hvordan ser fremtidens danske hjemmearbejdsplads ud? Hvilke effekter har Covid-19 og den digitale transformation haft… Ann-Britt Love0
Commmunity PartnershipsImpact stories 24 September, 2020 Sustainable mobile barrier for security Rockwool Innovation and startup company Zhelt2019 - 2020Rockwool and startup company Zhelt was matched in… Ann-Britt Love0
21 September, 2020 City Life in Times and After Corona How will our cities change post-pandemic? What can we do as citizens, urban planners, architects,… Ann-Britt Love0
21 September, 2020 City Live In Times and After Corona How will our cities change post-pandemic? What can we do as citizens, urban planners, architects,… Ann-Britt Love0
Design DNAScience ForumSmart City ResearchSmart City Research - papersSustainable buildingsSustainable Urbanization 19 September, 2020 Spørg brugerne og få bedre bygninger NCC's hovedkontor i Gladsaxe Kreditering: NCC Brugernes oplevelse af indeklimaet svarer ofte ikke til de… Ann-Britt Love0
17 September, 2020 BLOXHUB Debates: Democratic Digitalization? This 'BLOXHUB Debates' is part of the online Nordic Edge Expo As a BLOXHUB member,… Ann-Britt Love0
DigitalizationNewsSustainable Urbanization 14 September, 2020 Debat: Bygge- og ejendomsbranchen skal forandres helt ned i fundamentet Først bragt i Børsen d. 9. september 2020 Af Torben Klitgaard, CEO, BLOXHUB Den eksisterende… Ann-Britt Love0
14 September, 2020 Nordic Edge Live This year, the Nordic Edge Expo and Conference will be broadcasted live from seven studios… Ann-Britt Love0
14 September, 2020 PechaKucha Tuesday For this Urbantech Meetup #2, we are pleased to welcome Per Boesgaard, CEO of City… Ann-Britt Love0