The vision for a new European Bauhaus for a green transition was launched by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on October 14, 2020. This initiated an ecosystem dialogue in BLOX on November 2020 where stakeholders across the fields of architecture, design, business, technology, sustainability, arts and science, construction etc. met to share perspectives and to confirm the broad interest and passion in realizing the vision of a more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive future.
Engaging and connecting people
BLOX (ie. the Danish Architecture Center, Danish Design Center, BLOXHUB and Creative Denmark) together with The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) were given the support to take the lead on the process on behalf of the ecosystem, and to act as facilitator based on a clear objective and vision of creating a shared Danish proposal.
Since then BLOXHUB has been, and will continue to be, the driving force behind connecting and engaging people from different disciplines and backgrounds through 1:1 dialogue, open workshops and working group engagement to mature, qualify and flesh out a unified narrative that can lead to a proposal on the expected EU call later this year.
What the world needs now
This process will be the Danish contribution to a sustainable and better living of tomorrow. Our guiding markers and ambitions will be about new possibilities and undiscovered territory and will come about through co-reation and multi-disciplinary conversations. All integrated in the New European BAUHAUS core values of sustainability including circularity, aesthetics and inclusion.
BLOX and the Confederation Danish Industry and a series of core stakeholders within the build environment (see logos below) have invited all interested parties build environment and creative industries to become part of co-creation process leading to a consolidated Danish stronghold and project vision for the New European BAUHAUS for 2021 and ahead.
The working group consists of representatives from BLOX, DI, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, Molio, The Danish Association of Architects, Aarhus University, Danish Association of Architectural firms and the Danish Design Council.
In order to reach a consolidated Danish based alliance, a coherent concept and a joint proposal a three-stage process has been designed following the DESIGN phase of the EUROPEAN Commission in 2021 as far as possible:
FEASIBILITY – Establishment of a coherent concept and a Danish alliance (Q1)
CONSOLIDATION – Continued dialogue between DK and international stakeholders for international collaboration (Q2)
CALL & APPLICATION – Preparation of proposal (Q3-Q4)

Outreach activities:
November 25, 2020 : Dialogue-meeting. Involvement of and conversations with the multi-disciplinary ecosystem.
February 10, 2021 : Workshop no. 1. Co-design and crystallization of a common ambition, core values and a unified narrative.
March 3, 2021 : Workshop no. 2. Co-design, maturing and consolidation of concepts and cross-sectional themes.
April – June, 2021: Additional outreach activities including workshop, online town hall meetings and 1:1 dialogue sessions.

Contact us
Would you like to hear more or get involved in the new European BAUHAUS for a green transition?
I’m ready to help.
Torben Klitgaard, CEO
Tlf. +45 61 20 46 90

Contact us
Would you like to hear more or get involved in the new European BAUHAUS for a green transition?
I’m ready to help.
Anne-Mette Hyveled, Project Consultant
Tlf. +45 22 22 46 40

Contact us
Would you like to hear more or get involved in the new European BAUHAUS for a green transition?
I’m ready to help.
Alberte Broksø Thuen, Project Assistant
Tlf. +45 22 68 46 40

Contact us
Would you like to hear more or get involved in the new European BAUHAUS for a green transition?
I’m ready to help.
Henriette Thuen, Leading Senior Adviser,
DI (Dansk Industri)
Tlf. +45 72 16 02 83