Circular EconomyNewsSustainable buildingsSustainable Urbanization 27 April, 2021 NYT GREEN PAPER: TAKE BACK-ORDNINGER ER HJERTET I CIRKULÆR ØKONOMI Byggematerialernes livscyklusværdi går i høj grad tabt i byggebranchen i dag. Hvert år går €2,1… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
BLOXHUB InfoNews 26 April, 2021 Welcome to new board member Warm welcome to BLOXHUB's new board member Indy Johar - Co-founder and Executive Director of… Ann-Britt Love0
Circular Built EnvironmentCircular EconomyNewsScience Forum 13 April, 2021 BLOXHUB bliver samarbejdsplatform for to konsortier, der skal accelerere cirkulært byggeri Det skal være nemt og sikkert for byggebranchen at vælge genbrugsmaterialer. Kvaliteten af de genbrugte… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Global NetworksInternational DelegationsNewsUrban mobility 19 March, 2021 The City of Munich co-creates with BLOXHUB to get inspiration for sustainable mobility strategy How can a car-centric city implement a sustainable mobility strategy, ensure that it benefits all… Ann-Britt Love0
NewsScience Forum 17 March, 2021 DARE: Nyt netværk binder danske by- og arkitekturforskningsmiljøer sammen DARE er et nyt netværk mellem Danmarks forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner inden for arkitektur, landskab og… Ann-Britt Love0
Commmunity PartnershipsLivabilityNewsUrban Partnerships 24 February, 2021 The Latin American Partnership – Co-creation across borders Ideation, innovation and knowledge and its production are not bound by national borders. In an… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
LivabilityNewsScience ForumUrban resilience 18 February, 2021 City Life in Time of and after Corona – 5 key takeaways How will our cities change post-pandemic? And how do we create solutions that ensure resilience… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 16 January, 2021 Moving towards a green and just recovery What does it take to deliver an equitable and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic? … Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 16 January, 2021 Barnard College, NY, selected to co-create Circular Campus with BLOXHUB The winner of recent Build Back Circular Call from BLOXHUB & Danish Cleantech Hub, NY,… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 16 January, 2021 Fra start-up til 17 mand stor virksomhed i BLOXHUB Efter bare 2,5 år er teknologivirksomheden HD Lab i BLOXHUB gået fra én til 17… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0