In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
CPH Village sætter agendaen for denne BLOXHUB Debates*. Dette event vil foregå på dansk. Kan co-living være et virkemiddel til at løse en række udfordringer i kølvandet af stigende urbanisering? Befolkningen i...
Come join your BLOXHUB colleagues for breakfast! All residents are invited to start off the day together around the breakfast table in Members Lounge. Sign up by sending an email...
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Web Application How would you make Copenhagen more livable? What is your idea for Climate Actions? And where?...
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Open masterclass Self-driving vehicles won’t just change the way we get around; they can turn streets into living...
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: The session on Clean Construction will be structured around a master class in the morning and a market...
Part of C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Keynotes, kick-off workshops, panel session & pitches and drinks reception. We are pleased to invite you to “City Solutions Platform Live @ BLOXHUB”,...
Collective Environmental Behaviour (Quentin Gausset, University of Copenhagen). Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Presentation and workshop Preliminary research results show that the carbon footprint...
Buildings for Tomorrow: Why sustainability and public private partnerships is the answer to addressing tomorrow’s challenges today Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Debate...
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Panel discussion While the need for “green transitions” has gained widespread acceptance, the social dilemmas of such a...
Urban Resilience: Building capacity for operationalization Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Debate The event is an opportunity to reflect and discuss on the...
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Statements and debate In Denmark, we are experiencing a great demand for new ways of living together. Senior...
The Role of Urban Food Systems in a Changing Climate Format: Workshop (Interactive Talks) Food production is responsible for nearly 27% of greenhouse gas emission globally. Thus, it is necessary to...
Together with Gehl Architects and Bernard van Leer Foundation, the City of Copenhagen tie Air quality data to urban experiences of children under 5. The collaboration aims to create a...
Take a short break and get together with friends and partners at the BLOXHUB Lounge Party. Share cocktails & food with other climate engaged decision makers and enjoy a relaxed...
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Tap into Greater Copenhagen’s booming sustainable construction industry The booth will be open and accessible during and between...
Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Liveable cities of tomorrow – building on nature-based climate adaptation Format: MasterClass – 3 key note presentations with workshop...
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
Textiles is the new Plastics in Circularity – How Cities can Benefit from an Early Start Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Presentions and...
Innovation Districts: A Nordic Partnership Model for Sustainable Urban Development Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Roundtable with dialogue and debate Nordic companies, universities...
Format: Masterclass Ensuring the high air quality in cities requires an action plan. This Masterclass, gathering private actors across the energy sector, civil society, city Mayors, and policymakers, will focus on...
World-leading green regions Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Hamburg and Amsterdam seek cooperation on solutions to the climate crisis Part of ‘Live Like Tomorrow’ at C40 World Mayors Summit, Copenhagen 2019. Format: Presentation...
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
Science Forum presents ‘Closing the Loop on Circular Business Models’ at BLOXHUB Arena on Friday 25th October from 1600-1800 There is a pressing need to reimagine our cities and buildings as ecosystems...
We, at Blue Ocean Robotics, are part of the EU-funded project ESMERA (European SMEs Robotics Applications), a starting block for European SMEs and startups designing and developing robotic solutions. We...
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
How human networks can accelerate the development of sustainable cities? Join this networking event organised in collaboration with DABGO (Danes Abroad Business Group Online), BLOXHUB and Urbantech. Cities are close to the heart of these...
Please join us for What’s (h)up Bar! (Every last Thursday of the month) As always, we’ll drink beers and get to know each other. A few members get three minutes to...
In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....
ATV inviterer, i samarbejde med Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, til Tech Talk om kunstig intelligens den 7. november 2019. Eventet stiller skarpt på, hvad der rører sig inden for kunstig intelligens...
Come join your BLOXHUB colleagues for breakfast! All residents are invited to start off the day together around the breakfast table in Members Lounge. Sign up by sending an email...
Deltag i Projectspine morgenbooster og opnå endnu mere og bedre viden om, hvordan du kan være aktiv med digitalisering af byggebranchen. Helt konkret fremlægger vi: Hvordan du kan levere den...
As part of a new collaboration with the joint objectives of enhancing innovation within the construction industry Innovation Fund and Realdania are launching a new call for industrial Ph.Ds. and...
Join us at this workshop and reception to learn more about a selection of future commercial and high-rise buildings, urban development, public buildings and infrastructure projects in the pipeline in...