19 November, 2020 BLOXHUB Debates: How indoor lighting is affecting your health How indoor lighting is affecting your health: a look beyond aesthetics and energy efficiency. Just… Ann-Britt Love0
18 November, 2020 Science Talks: Light for health and wellbeing Light for health and well-being: looking beyond aesthetics and energy efficiency For thousands of years,… Ann-Britt Love0
News 17 November, 2020 Healthy buildings, high performance, happy hearts and minds Our indoor climate has a significant impact on our health and cognitive functions. Study after… Ann-Britt Love0
News 16 November, 2020 BLOXHUB Roundtables – a global opportunity In November 2020, BLOXHUB hosted two roundtables that focused on the German and Nordic markets… Ann-Britt Love0
12 November, 2020 GRAND LECTURE: On the journey towards a circular economy With the launch of the European Green Deal the ambitious vision was presented: making Europe… Ann-Britt Love0
9 November, 2020 Future scenarios for post-covid cities During 2020, the coronavirus has spread rapidly in cities around the globe. In this last… Ann-Britt Love0
Ikke-kategoriseretScience ForumSustainable Urbanization 27 October, 2020 Doing research together with architecture exhibitions As part of the recurring event 'Science Talks', BLOXHUB invites you to participate and engage… Ann-Britt Love0
Business MatchImpact stories 27 October, 2020 Denmarks first co2 neutral hotel + coastal protection Kim Rahbek ApS, Business Lolland-Falster and Schønherr 2019 -These two companies were matched by the… Ann-Britt Love0
25 October, 2020 Kystzonebeskyttelse: Værdiskabelse og nye finansieringsmodeller I takt med, at klimaet forandres, havvandet stiger og frekvensen af voldsomt vejr bliver hyppigere,… Ann-Britt Love0
25 October, 2020 Workshop: Jeg er så glad for min cykel … FULLY BOOKED Der er kamp om pladsen; om pladsen på cykelstierne og pladsen til cykelparkering.… Ann-Britt Love0