13 July, 2020 Coastal Zone Protection – New Financing Mechanisms Deep Dive Workshop: Danske kommuner står over for et stigende behov for at klimasikre den… Ann-Britt Love0
13 July, 2020 Hvordan ser fremtidens danske hjemmearbejdspladser ud? FULLY BOOKED COVID-19 har sat gang i en grundlæggende transformation af samfundet - ikke mindst… Ann-Britt Love0
Design DNAScience ForumSmart City ResearchSmart City Research - papersSustainable Urbanization 13 July, 2020 Working with sensors helps us design better schools, workspaces and communities Written and first published by Henning Larsen Krister Jens, Ph.D. student in data-driven design, is… Ann-Britt Love0
12 July, 2020 Launch of Tech Match // Round 2 Do you have a business challenge that could be solved with new technology and DKK… Ann-Britt Love0
NewsScience ForumUrban resilience 10 July, 2020 Exploring the future of resilient cities It’s impossible to crisis-proof cities, but you can learn to plan and accommodate for shocks… Ann-Britt Love0
Smart City Research 9 July, 2020 Putting plants into buildings – Entering the liminal realm PhD project within Smart City & Smart BuildingsJohan Steenberg, Industrial PhD3XN A/S University College London,… Ann-Britt Love0
9 July, 2020 The importance of Indoor and Outdoor Climate in Relation to COVID-19 Join us for this 'Science Talks' with Joseph Allen, Assistant Professor at Harward and co-author… Ann-Britt Love0
9 July, 2020 Smart Cities – Byernes vej til bæredygtighed? Mere end halvdelen af verdens befolkning er i dag bosat i byområder. Et tal, der ifølge FN, vil stige til to tredjedele i… Ann-Britt Love0
7 July, 2020 BLOXHUB SUMMER SCHOOL: TRANSFORMATION OG RENOVERING session 3 Deltag i Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering og BLOXHUB's Summer School Session 3… Ann-Britt Love0
7 July, 2020 BLOXHUB SUMMER SCHOOL: TRANSFORMATION OG RENOVERING session 2 Deltag i Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering og BLOXHUB's Summer School Session 2… Ann-Britt Love0