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Roundtable: Sustainability Legislation – Obstacle or Value Creator?

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Join us for a deep-dive dialogue on how sustainability legislation influences sustainable development in the built environment. Does the legislation support good intentions—or could it become a roadblock? We’ll put...

AEC Hackathon 2024

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

The AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) Hackathon was created in 2013 to give those designing, building, and maintaining our built environment the opportunity to collaborate with cutting edge technologies and its...

Building the Future: Engineering Living Materials (ELM)

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Unveiling Urban Futures: Exploring Resilience with BLOXHUB's Roundtable Series Join BLOXHUB's Roundtable Series to participate in a dynamic and engaging discussion on critical urban challenges. The series will cover three...

Harnessing Citizen Data for Smarter Urban Development

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Unveiling Urban Futures: Exploring Resilience with BLOXHUB’s Roundtable Series Join BLOXHUB’s Roundtable Series to participate in a dynamic and engaging discussion on critical urban challenges. The series will cover three...

The Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Unveiling Urban Futures: Exploring Resilience with BLOXHUB’s Roundtable Series Join BLOXHUB’s Roundtable Series to participate in a dynamic and engaging discussion on critical urban challenges. The series will cover three...

A Green Transition with Smart City Solutions

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

LET’S JOIN FORCES IN SUPPORTING A GREEN TRANSITION WITH SMART CITY SOLUTIONS! Smart solutions are an inevitable part of creating sustainable environments. If we use data wisely, we can move...

AEC Hackathon @ BLOXHUB 2023

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

The annual AEC Hackathon @ BLOXHUB will kick-off 3 5 March 2023! The AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) Hackathon was created in 2013 to give those designing, building, and maintaining our...

UX masterclass: Figma

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Er du UX-professionel - og ønsker du dybere kendskab til de mange muligheder, Figma giver dig? Så kom med på denne masterclass, hvor du får hands-on erfaring med at arbejde...

Grand DéPart @BLOXHUB

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

On July 1, the world's largest cycling race comes to the world's best cycling city - Copenhagen. Tour de France 2022 starts with a 13 km individual time trial, and...

Blå biodiversitet og bæredygtig byudvikling

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Omkring 71 procent af Jordens overflade er dækket af vand, og havene rummer omkring 96,5 procent af al vand p  Jorden. Havene udgør et omfattende økosystem, og de er grundlæggende...

Universal Design for more usable, livable and healthy buildings

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

We spend our lives within public and private buildings and our daily activities depend more and more on the possibilities that these environments offer us. The environment influences our experiences...

BLOXHUB Debates – Is user-centric architecture a good investment?

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

The situation: Architecture is about more than designing building envelopes to protect our belongings from the outside world. Buildings affect our lives, our health and our ability to restitute. More...

Science Talks – The sound of architecture by means of virtual acoustics

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Join us online Febrary 11, from 3:00-4:30PM CET Finnur Pind’s research can be seen as three punch combination: Improving acoustic simulation accuracy, improving computational efficiency of simulations and providing easily...

Coastal Zone Protection – New Financing Mechanisms

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Deep Dive Workshop: Danske kommuner står over for et stigende behov for at klimasikre den danske kystzone - særligt omkring bebyggede områder. Disse projekter er dog ofte afhængige af økonomisk...

Hvordan ser fremtidens danske hjemmearbejdspladser ud?

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

FULLY BOOKED COVID-19 har sat gang i en grundlæggende transformation af samfundet - ikke mindst den måde, vi arbejder på. Men er de rammer, som COVID-19 pandemien påtvang hjemmearbejdspladsen at...

Affordable Housing and the Inclusive City

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Welcome to IFHP Summit and Master Class Part 1: Summit | 11:00 am – 1:30 pm CET Cities are for people, ideally for all people. But when adequate housing becomes...

Vandet og husejerne – før, under og efter oversvømmelsen

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

Workshop: Mange bække små Vandet og husejerne – før, under og efter oversvømmelsen Hvad skal der til for at mobilisere det private bygningssegment til klimatilpasning? Det spørgsmål undersøger vi, når...


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....


BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, 3rd floor, København K

In cooperation with Roskilde University (RUC) we are proud to present this summer school on liveable cities. Cities have become the sites of both the world’s major problems and major possibilities....