16 October, 2020
How to use blockchain in the building industry
HD Lab, Zublin, Niras, Smith Innovation + contributors. 2019 -Through an Urban Partnerships workshop, these…
15 October, 2020
Urbantech Meetup / PECHAKUCHA TUESDAY!
Join us for the next Urbantech Meetup in BLOXHUB. For this Urbantech Meetup #3, we…
2 October, 2020
BLOXHUB, Juul & Frost Arkitekter og MoreFutures lancerer et manifest for Den Nye Nordiske Vinterby
Hvordan gentænker vi vores tilgang til at udvikle og planlægge byer og byrum, så de…
26 September, 2020
Næste skur: An upcycled shed for bikes and garbage
Krydsrum Arkitekter + Enemærke & Petersen2019 -Through an Urban Partnerships workshop, BLOXHUB helped the circular…