Business Match 26 November, 2019 The sixth and final plan for Vollsmose Odense Kommune + Dansk Bylaboratorium, Detours, DGI, Juul Frost Arkitekter, Hubbster, Underbroen2019 -The sixth and… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 7 November, 2019 EN NY REVOLUTION ER PÅ VEJ I BYGGERIET Der er en ny revolution på vej. Vores adfærd bliver digital. Hvor Galileos og… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 6 November, 2019 BYGGEBRANCHEN SKAL JAMME SIG TIL BEDRE KOMMUNIKATION Nyt forskningsprojekt mellem NIRAS, Københavns Lufthavn og Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium giver svar på, hvordan vi… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 6 November, 2019 SMART CITY INSIGHTS AND VISIBLE CITY FORM INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Through an international collaboration facilitated by BLOXHUB, Smart City Insights (Denmark) and Visible City… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 28 October, 2019 BLOXHUB POP-UP PÅ BUILDING GREEN: VORES BYER SKAL SKABES SAMMEN Endnu et nyt område på Building Green ser dagens lys. Kom med, når BLOXHUB… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
NewsScience Forum 23 October, 2019 INNOVATION FUND DENMARK AND REALDANIA LAUNCH CALL FOR NEW RESEARCH TEAM ON CIRCULAR BUILDINGS The Innovation Fund Denmark and Realdania are launching a new call for industrial Ph.Ds.… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
GovernanceNewsSustainable UrbanizationUrban resilience 9 October, 2019 SCALING COPENHAGEN: HOW CITIES CAN DRIVE CLIMATE SOLUTIONS Written by: Bruce Katz, Luise Noring, Torben Klitgaard and Helle Lis Soholt Dozens of mayors will descend… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 16 August, 2019 DO YOU WISH TO HELP CREATE MORE LIVABLE CITIES? Invitation to Urban planners and practitioners: Cities have become the sites of both… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
DigitalizationNewsSustainable Urbanization 13 August, 2019 Se rapporten: 35.200 FLERE SMARTE JOB I 2025 Verdens lande og byer står over for en massiv grøn omstilling. Smart City-teknologi kan… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
NewsSmart City ResearchSmart City Research - papers 11 July, 2019 A new network to design safer cities Photo credit: TagTomat In BLOXHUB, a new “Network for Smarter Counter-Terrorism” has been established… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0