20 January, 2020 SCIENCE TALKS CITIES – CLIMATE – CIRCULARITY – CONSTRUCTION Speaker: Martin Kruse, Futurist and Senior Advisor Copenhagen Institute… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
20 January, 2020 AEC HACKATHON @ BLOXHUB 2020 Join us February 21st – 23rd! Once again BLOXHUB partners up with the international hackathon… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
20 January, 2020 LANCERING AF TECH MATCH INVITATION: KOM TIL LANCERING AF TECH MATCH 28. FEBRUAR KL. 15-17 Arbejder du med bæredygtige… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Circular EconomyDigitalizationGovernanceIkke-kategoriseretLivabilityNewsSustainable buildingsSustainable Urbanization 15 January, 2020 AN INVITATION TO THE BORING REVOLUTION Change cannot – and will not – be delivered by activism alone. It must,… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Ikke-kategoriseretNews 12 December, 2019 MORE PEOPLE WISH TO MAKE CITIES SUSTAINABLE – TOGETHER The BLOXHUB network is growing. 1.5 years ago, BLOXHUB opened its co-working space… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Design DNAGovernanceIkke-kategoriseretNewsScience ForumSustainable UrbanizationUrban resilience 11 December, 2019 RESILIENT CITIES – KEY LEARNINGS FROM THE BLOXHUB SUMMER SCHOOL The Executive Summary of the BLOXHUB Summer School on Urban Resilience which was held in collaboration… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
News 29 November, 2019 HJÆLP TIL NY TEKNOLOGI TIL BYGGEBRANCHEN Et rejsehold vil hjælpe virksomheder i bygge- og anlægsbranchen med implementering af ny teknologi… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0
Business Match 26 November, 2019 The sixth and final plan for Vollsmose Odense Kommune + Dansk Bylaboratorium, Detours, DGI, Juul Frost Arkitekter, Hubbster, Underbroen2019 -The sixth and… Ditte Frisk Hansen Love0