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BLOXHUB Debates: Future of work

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

In collaboration with Øresundsinstituttet BLOXHUB presents this 'BLOXHUB Debates': Future of  Work - How do we design the workspace of the future while taking corona and the climate-crisis into consideration?...

Mobilities in ‘Corona City’


Mobilities in ‘Corona City’ - Epidemic disruption, extended bodies, and elastic situations ‘SCIENCE TALKS’ has gone online! Join us for this live session with Ole B. Jensen, Professor at Center...

Build Back Better – live streamed from BLOX

The BLOX Summit invites to ‘Build Back Better’ in the light of urbanisation challenges, amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic.  Consequently, BLOX Global is inviting partnerships to Build Back Better sustainable...

Circle House Lab Summit #01

Danish Architecture Center - DAC Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473, Danmark

Circle House Lab inviterer til vores første årlige Summit. Vi gør status over den cirkulære omstilling i Danmark og Internationalt med oplæg fra blandt andre Miljø og Fødevareminister Lea Wermelin,...

Launch of Tech Match // Round 2

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

Do you have a business challenge that could be solved with new technology and DKK 750.000 in funding? Tech Match is a funded tech transfer program targeted Danish SMEs from...


BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

HVORDAN GØR VI BOLIGMARKEDET MANGFOLDIGT? Kom med, når vi, sammen med Fonden for Billige Boliger, sætter fokus på potentialer for downsizing og inddragende fællesskaber i boligbyggeriet. Fællesskabsboliger og downsizede/kompakte boliger...

BLOXHUB Breakfast

BLOXHUB Members Lounge Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Come join your community for breakfast! You are invited to start off the day around the breakfast table in Members Lounge. Because of the COVID-19 circumstances, registration is needed. Once...

Launch: Boring Revolution Lab

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

Mark your calendar and join us on the 9th of September for the launch of Boring Revolution Lab in BLOXUB - a lab, where we rethink how we own, share...

Affordable Housing and the Inclusive City

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, København K, Danmark

Welcome to IFHP Summit and Master Class Part 1: Summit | 11:00 am – 1:30 pm CET Cities are for people, ideally for all people. But when adequate housing becomes...

Smart Cities – Byernes vej til bæredygtighed?

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

Mere end halvdelen af verdens befolkning er i dag bosat i byområder. Et tal, der ifølge FN, vil stige til to tredjedele i 2050. Det vil give et massivt pres på klodens ressourcer og derfor haster det med...

Hvordan ser fremtidens danske hjemmearbejdspladser ud?

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, København K, Danmark

FULLY BOOKED COVID-19 har sat gang i en grundlæggende transformation af samfundet - ikke mindst den måde, vi arbejder på. Men er de rammer, som COVID-19 pandemien påtvang hjemmearbejdspladsen at...

PechaKucha Tuesday

BLOXHUB LA Fæstningens Materialgård, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, Copenhagen, Danmark

For this Urbantech Meetup #2, we are pleased to welcome Per Boesgaard, CEO of City Facilitators and Christoph Hornik, Co-Founder of Epiclay.  Both of them are members of the BLOXHUB...

Nordic Edge Live


This year, the Nordic Edge Expo and Conference will be broadcasted live from seven studios all over the Nordics - free of charge for all BLOXHUB Members. The Copenhagen Studio...

City Life in Times and After Corona

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

How will our cities change post-pandemic? What can we do as citizens, urban planners, architects, designers and decision-makers to ensure the right restart for our cities – and protect ourselves...

BLOXHUB Debates: Democratic Digitalization?

This 'BLOXHUB Debates' is part of the online Nordic Edge Expo As a BLOXHUB member, you get free access. Sign up and get your free ticket here The discussion: Digitalization...

The importance of Indoor and Outdoor Climate in Relation to COVID-19

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

Join us for this 'Science Talks' with Joseph Allen, Assistant Professor at Harward and co-author of "Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity". The talk is held as...


Der er åbent for tilmelding på  Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering og BLOXHUB’s Summer School om transformation og renovering – arkitektur, håndværk, bæredygtighed og byggeteknik. Kurset giver indsigt...

Launch of PropTech Lab

Join us when we open the doors to our brand new PropTech LAB. The lab will be the heart of the PropTech Denmark community offering coworking space, workshops, Friday bars, pitch...

Den levende SDG by – fra værdigrundlag til operationelt innovationsrum

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, København K, Danmark

Deep Dive Workshop:  Som mange andre steder er SDG’erne i dag blevet værdiggrundlaget for en mere bæredygtig udvikling af vores samfund. Det særlige ved SDG’erne er, at de rummer et...

Urbantech Meetup / PECHAKUCHA TUESDAY!

BLOXHUB LA Fæstningens Materialgård, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, Copenhagen, Danmark

Join us for the next Urbantech Meetup in BLOXHUB. For this Urbantech Meetup #3, we are pleased to welcome Alex Ignatius Costa, Product Planning Lead at Leo Pharma, and Torben...

Coastal Zone Protection – New Financing Mechanisms

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, København K, Danmark

Deep Dive Workshop: Danske kommuner står over for et stigende behov for at klimasikre den danske kystzone - særligt omkring bebyggede områder. Disse projekter er dog ofte afhængige af økonomisk...


Deltag i  Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering og BLOXHUB's Summer School Session 2 om transformation og renovering – arkitektur, håndværk, bæredygtighed og byggeteknik. Kurset giver indsigt i transformationsarkitekturens...


Deltag i  Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering og BLOXHUB's Summer School Session 3 om transformation og renovering – arkitektur, håndværk, bæredygtighed og byggeteknik. Kurset giver indsigt i transformationsarkitekturens...

Live Stream Event: Build Back Better

The BLOX Summit Invite you to "Build Back Better" in the light of urbanization challenges, amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, BLOX Global is inviting partnerships to Build Back Better...

City Live In Times and After Corona

How will our cities change post-pandemic? What can we do as citizens, urban planners, architects, designers and decision-makers to ensure the right restart for our cities – and protect ourselves...

Workshop: Jeg er så glad for min cykel …

BLOXHUB LA Fæstningens Materialgård, Frederiksholms Kanal 30, Copenhagen, Danmark

FULLY BOOKED Der er kamp om pladsen; om pladsen på cykelstierne og pladsen til cykelparkering. Sammen med Arup inviterer BLOXHUB Urban Partnerships til workshop om cykelparkeringskapaciteten i København. I fællesskab...

Future scenarios for post-covid cities

BLOXHUB Arena Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, Copenhagen

During 2020, the coronavirus has spread rapidly in cities around the globe. In this last event, in a series of 7, we will focus on post-covid cities and how the...

Science Talks: Light for health and wellbeing


Light for health and well-being: looking beyond aesthetics and energy efficiency  For thousands of years, we woke up and went to bed with the sun. However, the introduction of electric...

2021 Startup Ecosystem Kick-off and Support


Are you a danish startup within urbantech, proptech, construction or city development? Then join us for this event that aims to inform Danish startups and ecosystem members about their opportunities...

Circular Economy Europe Talks


After four years on the Horizon 2020 funded project, Cities Cooperating for Circular Economy – FORCE, the cities of Copenhagen, Hamburg, Genoa and Lisbon and BLOXHUB invite you to a...

Can cities fix a post-pandemic world order?


Which role can cities play in delivering a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic? And what will it take to create green jobs, invest in public services and...

Virtual Q&A – Urbantech Mentoring


Are you a startup founder working to make cities more sustainable? Join Urbantech for this Virtual Q&A to learn more about Urbantech Mentoring and how it could help your startup...

Science Talks – The sound of architecture by means of virtual acoustics

BLOXHUB Bryghuspladsen 8, Entrance C, 3rd floor, København K, Danmark

Join us online Febrary 11, from 3:00-4:30PM CET Finnur Pind’s research can be seen as three punch combination: Improving acoustic simulation accuracy, improving computational efficiency of simulations and providing easily...

Global Day – Go Nordic

The Nordic countries are clear favorite markets of BLOXHUB members. And why not? The Nordics represent a large number of likeminded potential partners and accessible business opportunities.   But how to...

TECH MATCH Launch – 3. runde

Tilmeld dig TECH MATCH Launch d. 25. februar og bliv klogere på, hvordan du kan få hjælp til at løse en forretningsmæssig udfordring med 500.000 DKK og ny teknologi. Sammen...

BLOXHUB Debates: The air we breathe


We know healthy buildings depend on good air quality. But what is good air quality and just how advanced are we on knowledge, technology and in the business of running...

BLOXHUB Global Day #3 – Germany Calls


Germany has truly set sails for the journey towards a green transition – and developing more sustainable cities will be central to their success. Corporate and city leaders in Germany...

BLOXHUB’s Annual General Meeting 2021


CALL FOR BLOXHUB’S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2021 Dear member of BLOXHUB. This is a call for BLOXHUB’s Annual General Meeting on April 26. 2021 at 15:00. Due to Covid-19, the...