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BLOXHUB og Danmarks Ambassade i Sverige indbyder partnere på tværs af sundet til en online session med nogle af de mest innovative danske virksomheder, der arbejder med at sætte fremtidens...
BLOXHUB og Danmarks Ambassade i Sverige indbyder partnere på tværs af sundet til en online session med nogle af de mest innovative danske virksomheder, der arbejder med at sætte fremtidens...
BLOXHUB, Innovation Centre Denmark | Shanghai, and NISS (Nordic Innovation and Sustainable Shanghai) invite you to participate in a facilitated roundtable discussion uncovering the challenges facing the Chinese construction industry....
We have been working with the sustainability paradigm for a while now. It has guided transformation and reconfigurations of economic, social, and environmental aspects of our society. More recently, circular...
VELUX Build for life conference 2021 is running now and we are contributing with a BLOXHUB Science Talk: What is the latest research and scientific consensus on health in buildings...
90% of people’s time on average is spent indoors. Thus the indoor climate has a significant impact on our health and cognitive functions. Several studies show that our well-being and...
BLOXHUB invites all members with an interest in international market opportunities to take part in our Global Day #5 – Spain on Thursday, November 25th from 10:00-11:30 CET. It is increasingly...
Creating a circular economy has almost exclusively focused on the economic and environmental gains while the social impacts have barely been considered beyond the issue of job creation. Creating a...
What is next for the circular economy? How digitisation and finance can accelerate the transition. Our fall event series Designing the Irresistible Circular Society
will come to an end. Across the...
NB: This event has been postponed - details regarding date and time will follow Since 2019, five very different educational modules have been developed and tested under the auspices of...
Join us when we start our new event series. The overall theme for all Science Talks in 2022 will be: Regenerate. The first Science Talk will take place in February, the title...
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to event@bloxhub.org
A monthly social breakfast in BLOXHUB Members Lounge - For members and residents only. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to...
During the last decade, the Danish building industry has established a solid knowledge base within the circular economy - both when it comes to design, materials, and documentation. However, these...
Join us in the new year when we start our new event series. The overall theme for all Science Talks in 2022 will be: Regenerate. The second Science Talk will take...
To decarbonize international real estate, the industry must integrate and mainstream circular business models. But are the investors and developers ready? Do we need a new approach to make circularity...
Byer verden over oplever i stigende grad en skævvridning i den aldersmæssige fordeling af befolkningen, og oplever bl.a. udfordringer knyttet til trivsel og livskvalitet - ikke mindst blandt de ældre,...
At the Vinterakademi 2022, we take a deep dive into the welfare architecture, and what has proven sustainable and value-creating in architecture and urban development from the 1950s until today. In addition, we will look...
Omkring 71 procent af Jordens overflade er dækket af vand, og havene rummer omkring 96,5 procent af al vand p Jorden. Havene udgør et omfattende økosystem, og de er grundlæggende...
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to event@bloxhub.org
A monthly social breakfast in BLOXHUB Members Lounge - For members and residents only. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to...
FULLY BOOKED The vast majority of existing infrastructure is not ready for the future of mobility. Neither if the majority of the mobility operating patterns remain based on car use,...
JOIN US for the next Science Talks: Regenerative urban development on 28 April, 3-4 pm. Moving towards a regenerative approach to urban development, it is essential that we contribute positively....
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to event@bloxhub.org
Please join us for BLOXHUB’s Annual General Meeting and Social Jazz Bar on May 3, 2022. Annual General Meeting at 3 pm: All BLOXHUB members are invited and have the right to...
We are proud to announce that we will be a part of Circular City Week in New York 2 to 8 May 2022. During Circular City Week, we invite you to...
A monthly social breakfast in BLOXHUB Members Lounge - For members and residents only. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to...
As part of Nordic Edge Expo 2022, EIT Urban Mobility, Nordic Edge, and BLOXHUB would like to invite you to a full-day workshop on the integration of a value-based approach...
Science Talks: Sustainable Transformation and Innovation Leadership Current practice in the building industry is not sustainable. Architectural solutions, products, and services contributing to sustainable development are already there, in a...
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to event@bloxhub.org
A monthly social breakfast in BLOXHUB Members Lounge - For members and residents only. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to...
In November last year we hosted the Kick Off Event of our ongoing collaboration with Factory Hammerbrooklyn called The Danish-German Innovation Lab. The collaboration aims to foster partnerships, share and disseminate knowledge, and create...
Byggeprojekter er ofte konfliktfyldte og koster danske virksomheder mange penge. Det kan og skal vi gøre bedre. Derfor inviterer BLOXHUB sammen med LivingLean til 1/2 dags workshop med formålet at...
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to event@bloxhub.org
BLOXHUB@FOLKEMØDET Hvorfor er diskussionen om landet versus storbyen stadig aktuel? Hvorfor taler vi stadig om splittelse? Handler det i virkeligheden om at vi er uenige om hvad det gode liv...
BLOXHUB@FOLKEMØDET Hvilken rolle spiller byerne i den grønne omstilling? Klimaforandringerne er synlige og mærkes også i byerne. Men hvilken rolle spiller byerne egentlig i den grønne omstilling, og hvad er...
We invite partners, members, and stakeholders to the official launch of the strategic partnership between BLOXHUB and Munich Urban Colab – a partnership that will foster joint projects and innovative...
Join us when we celebrate the 18 Tech Match winners. All matches have created innovative and sustainable solutions for the built environment through collaboration. Now we gather and share the...
On July 1, the world's largest cycling race comes to the world's best cycling city - Copenhagen. Tour de France 2022 starts with a 13 km individual time trial, and...
JOIN US for the next Science Talks: Biomimicry & Regenerative Design At this Science Talk on August 18, we'll be joined by the Architect Michael Pawlyn, who has been described...
Er du UX-professionel - og ønsker du dybere kendskab til de mange muligheder, Figma giver dig? Så kom med på denne masterclass, hvor du får hands-on erfaring med at arbejde...
“Risk-sharing” is, again and again, being discussed as a critical factor in accelerating the Circular Economy within the building industry, thus going from pilot projects to mainstream. But is there...
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and BLOXHUB invite you to an exploration of a regenerative world and a reimagination of our cities with a series of events launching in late...
FOR BLOXHUB RESIDENTS ONLY We once again invite all BLOXHUB residents to join colleagues and fellow BLOXHUBbers for a run or walk in Copenhagen on August 30. With more than...
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and BLOXHUB invite you to an exploration of a regenerative world with a series of debates. After the first event on August 30, we're excited...
How do we think beyond limited space making dense urban areas vibrant, desirable, sustainable, and resilient with a full range of amenities? Together with Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin and WE...
Climate change presents our urban environment and buildings with a wide range of challenges, and we need to adapt the way we plan and build with these challenges in mind...
BLOXHUB is partner on the event World of Digital Built Environment (WDBE) Summit & Awards 2022. The event will take place on September 28-29 in Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia....
REGENERATE ARCHITECTURE – HOW CAN ARCHITECTURE BECOME A FORCE TOWARDS A REGENERATIVE CITY? Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and BLOXHUB invite you to the second event in the series Regenerate...
JOIN US for the next Science Talks: Implementing regenerative development Have you ever wondered what regenerative development is? What a regenerative city might look like? How it might operate? What...
Although Denmark is one of the safest countries in the World, the Safety Survey from 2021 (Tryghedsmålingen) shows that there is reason to pay attention - the number of people...