Co-creating a circular campus – part of circular city week, NY
ONLINEBarnard College, the winner of the recent Build Back Circular Call from BLOXHUB & Danish Cleantech Hub, NY, aim to rethink campus living and create the first Circular Campus in...
Barnard College, the winner of the recent Build Back Circular Call from BLOXHUB & Danish Cleantech Hub, NY, aim to rethink campus living and create the first Circular Campus in...
Speaker Dr. ir. Atze Boerstra Feelgoodbuilding specialist, bba & Managing Director & Vice President REHVA Final program coming soon but feel free to sign up already now ___ This...
We know healthy buildings depend on good air quality. But what is good air quality and just how advanced are we on knowledge, technology and in the business of running...
Building retrofits and clean construction are key to a greener, healthier future with opportunities for everyone. Buildings typically represent the biggest source of emissions in C40 cities. And recent C40 research...
Germany has truly set sails for the journey towards a green transition – and developing more sustainable cities will be central to their success. Corporate and city leaders in Germany...
As part of our Healthy Buildings event series our next Science Talks on Thursday 22 April is on Space, Body, and Brain As the kind of living organisms we are,...
CALL FOR BLOXHUB’S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2021 Dear member of BLOXHUB. This is a call for BLOXHUB’s Annual General Meeting on April 26. 2021 at 15:00. Due to Covid-19, the...
During Covid-19 we have gotten used to images of deserted cities under lockdown and news of people moving out of the city centres. Recalling memories of vibrant urban spaces this...
The situation: Architecture is about more than designing building envelopes to protect our belongings from the outside world. Buildings affect our lives, our health and our ability to restitute. More...
DTU, BUILD, Teknologisk Institut, Responsible Assets og BLOXHUB inviterer til dialogbaseret webinar, hvor vi stiller skarpt på, hvad der skal til for, at danske virksomheder i højere grad bruger forskningen...
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed how vulnerable cities are to extreme events and has brought the inequalities that exist in our societies into stark focus. It has demonstrated that the...
We spend our lives within public and private buildings and our daily activities depend more and more on the possibilities that these environments offer us. The environment influences our experiences...
As part of our Healthy Buildings event series our next BLOXHUB Debates on Wednesday 26 May is focusing on the holistic and ‘how to’ approach. We have a lot of...
China will soon become the world's largest economy, and the rapid industrialization have led to an urgent need of sustainable solutions in the rapidly growing cities. In collaboration with the Royal...
One of the most interesting urban development markets outside Europe is currently in Canada. Many BLOXHUB members already have success there, and with infrastructure investments and a trade agreement between...
BLOXHUB and ConTech Lab is proud to present the online WDBE community session: How can data-driven planning create more inclusive urban environments? We will take a critical look at how...
I takt med, at klimaet forandres, havvandet stiger og frekvensen af voldsomt vejr bliver hyppigere, øges presset på de danske kyststrækninger. Det stiller nye og større krav til vores evne...
The lockdowns of the world’s cities prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed our collective appreciation of the value of public space. The way we live and use the city...
Are you interested in joining a partnership of people, businesses and organisations committed to creating irresistible circular societies by participatory design? If you, and those you work with, are keen...
In collaboration with UnternehmerTUM in Munich, BLOXHUB invites you to International Entrepreneurs’ Night with Munich’s entrepreneurial, corporate network and international guests. Under the title Building the City of the Future...
Novo Nordisk, Gehl and BLOXHUB invite you to a one-day workshop to take a deep-dive into how the 15-Minute City Framework can accelerate global, impact-driven, sustainable urban development. The 15-Minute...
Save the date for our first Science Talks in our series `Designing the Irresistible Circular Society´ where we will discuss what circularity has to offer to the sustainable development of...
Copenhagen: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM London: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Seoul: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Shanghai: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Bengaluru: 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM...
Circle House Lab inviterer til Summit 2021 – bliv opdateret på den nyeste viden om cirkulært byggeri og CO2-reduktion, vær med til lancering af nye paradigmer for cirkulære udbud og...
The 2021 edition of the World of Digital Built Environment Summit is about to kick off! Together with our brilliant partners from Estonia and Finland (among others KIRAHub, Contech Lab...
Sammen med BoStad inviterer BLOXHUB, Urban Partnerships til workshop om det inkluderende fællesskab - set fra et børneperspektiv. Workshoppen vil undersøge mulighederne for at udvikle og forankre positive og stimulerende...
How can we enable a fair and equitable circular transition at all levels of society in the long term? We will look at collaboration through a circular built environment lens from a...
What are the challenges involved in developing and collaborating on our future sustainable transport infrastructure? Panelists: Tom Casey, Head of Pavements, Construction Materials & Innovation Network Management, Transport Infrastructure Ireland...
REGISTRATION Registration is now live! Get your ticket HERE Join us 29th - 31st of October Once again BLOXHUB partners up with the international hackathon organization, AEC Hackathon to bring...
Join us 5th – 7th of November For the first time, it is now possible to sign up for the Student Hackathon at BLOXHUB. We have gathered all our knowledge...
BLOXHUB og Danmarks Ambassade i Sverige indbyder partnere på tværs af sundet til en online session med nogle af de mest innovative danske virksomheder, der arbejder med at sætte fremtidens...
BLOXHUB, Innovation Centre Denmark | Shanghai, and NISS (Nordic Innovation and Sustainable Shanghai) invite you to participate in a facilitated roundtable discussion uncovering the challenges facing the Chinese construction industry....
We have been working with the sustainability paradigm for a while now. It has guided transformation and reconfigurations of economic, social, and environmental aspects of our society. More recently, circular...
VELUX Build for life conference 2021 is running now and we are contributing with a BLOXHUB Science Talk: What is the latest research and scientific consensus on health in buildings...
90% of people’s time on average is spent indoors. Thus the indoor climate has a significant impact on our health and cognitive functions. Several studies show that our well-being and...
BLOXHUB invites all members with an interest in international market opportunities to take part in our Global Day #5 – Spain on Thursday, November 25th from 10:00-11:30 CET. It is increasingly...
Creating a circular economy has almost exclusively focused on the economic and environmental gains while the social impacts have barely been considered beyond the issue of job creation. Creating a...
What is next for the circular economy? How digitisation and finance can accelerate the transition. Our fall event series Designing the Irresistible Circular Society
will come to an end. Across the...
NB: This event has been postponed - details regarding date and time will follow Since 2019, five very different educational modules have been developed and tested under the auspices of...
Join us when we start our new event series. The overall theme for all Science Talks in 2022 will be: Regenerate. The first Science Talk will take place in February, the title...
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to
A monthly social breakfast in BLOXHUB Members Lounge - For members and residents only. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to...
During the last decade, the Danish building industry has established a solid knowledge base within the circular economy - both when it comes to design, materials, and documentation. However, these...
Join us in the new year when we start our new event series. The overall theme for all Science Talks in 2022 will be: Regenerate. The second Science Talk will take...
To decarbonize international real estate, the industry must integrate and mainstream circular business models. But are the investors and developers ready? Do we need a new approach to make circularity...
Byer verden over oplever i stigende grad en skævvridning i den aldersmæssige fordeling af befolkningen, og oplever bl.a. udfordringer knyttet til trivsel og livskvalitet - ikke mindst blandt de ældre,...
At the Vinterakademi 2022, we take a deep dive into the welfare architecture, and what has proven sustainable and value-creating in architecture and urban development from the 1950s until today. In addition, we will look...
Omkring 71 procent af Jordens overflade er dækket af vand, og havene rummer omkring 96,5 procent af al vand p Jorden. Havene udgør et omfattende økosystem, og de er grundlæggende...
A monthly bar for members and residents. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to
A monthly social breakfast in BLOXHUB Members Lounge - For members and residents only. How to sign up? Residents: Please sign up via spaceOS Members: Please send an email to...